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Management Introduction



  • Zhang Jianshe

    Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Zhang Jianshe, born in April 1960, Chairman, executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Zhang Jianshe is primarily responsible for the overall management of our Company’s strategic planning and supervision of its implementation. He has subsequently assumed various roles in our subsidiaries since he took up the position as a deputy manager of ZhongDi Kuandian in October 2002. Mr. Zhang Jianshe is currently a director of all our subsidiaries. Mr. Zhang Jianshe graduated from Northwest Agriculture College (currently known as Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (西北農林科技大學)) located in Shaanxi Province with a bachelor degree of science in management of agricultural economics in July 1984. He has been the vice president of China Animal Agriculture Association (中國畜牧業協會) since December 2011. He is a senior economist in agricultural economics credentialed by the the Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC.


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